Work, Wealth and The Good Life; Living Earth Connection #8


Work, Wealth and The Good Life


Please tune in to The Living Earth Connection, hosted by Amy Gustin, today, Sunday Dec. 29th at 9:30AM on KMUD. The Living Earth Connection is unlike any radio show you’ll hear anywhere. The Living Earth Connection looks beyond politics, philosophy and religion to examine the culture which is foundational to them all, and from which they all spring. The Living Earth Connection airs on the fifth Sunday of the month, and only in months that have five Sundays, in the “Spiritual Perspectives”, Sunday 9:30-10:30AM time-slot on KMUD, Redwood Community Radio, Garberville, CA, and online both streaming and archived at


In this episode of The Living Earth Connection, Amy Gustin examines how we think about “work”, “wealth” and “the good life”. How we think about work, wealth and “the good life” effects how we live in the world, and how we live in the world determines the contents of our lives and our footprint on the planet. These ideas are foundational to our culture, but in fact, most of us work way too hard, far too few of us enjoy the benefits of the “wealth”we create, and sum total of all of our work is killing the planet. The show looks at why this is, and how it can be different.

Workers clean up oil spilled by the refr

Work, Wealth and The Good Life is the eighth episode of The Living Earth Connection. You can download or listen to Work, Wealth and The Good Life, as well as all of the previous episodes of The living Earth Connection at The Living Earth Connection blog.livingearth back cover

The 12 Days of Christmas

The 12 Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the second day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the third day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

three French maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the fifth day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

six Lisas playing,

6 lisa playing

…five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the seventh day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

seven Swanson’s dinners,

7 swansons dinners

…six Lisas playing,

6 lisa playing

…five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the eighth day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

eight filkers filking,

8 filkers filking

…seven Swanson’s dinners,

7 swansons dinners

…six Lisas playing,

6 lisa playing

…five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

nine women twerking,

9 women trerking

…eight filkers filking,

8 filkers filking

…seven Swanson’s dinners,

7 swansons dinners

…six Lisas playing,

6 lisa playing

…five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the tenth day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

ten Fords a leaping,

10 fords a leaping

…nine women twerking,

9 women trerking

…eight filkers filking.

8 filkers filking

…seven Swanson’s dinners,

7 swansons dinners

…six Lisas playing,

6 lisa playing

…five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

eleven diapers wiping,

11 diapers wiping

…ten Fords a leaping,

10 fords a leaping

…nine women twerking,

9 women trerking

…eight filkers filking.

8 filkers filking

…seven Swanson’s dinners,

7 swansons dinners

…six Lisas playing,

6 lisa playing

…five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my blogger shared with me,

twelve plumbers plumbing,

12 plumbers plumbing

…eleven diapers wiping,

11 diapers wiping

…ten Fords a leaping,

10 fords a leaping

…nine women twerking,

9 women trerking

…eight filkers filking.

8 filkers filking

…seven Swanson’s dinners,

7 swansons dinners

…six Lisas playing,

6 lisa playing

…five folded things,

5 folded things1

…four angry birds,

4 angry-birds

…three French Maids,

3 french maids

…two Turtles songs,

…and a Partridge Family episode for free.

Merry Christmas!

Now…. What did you get me?

The Giving Season

The Giving Season

giving season

As 2013 winds to a close, once again we find ourselves in “The Giving Season”. The time of year when we take a moment to show our appreciation for the people who matter to us, and to the folks who serve us faithfully all year long.


Of course, a lot of the people who serve you faithfully all year long, like your postman, barista or auto-mechanic, your kids school teacher and bus driver, your hooker, drug dealer and bartender, or if you live around here, your crew of trimmers, those people all get paid for their work. Believe me, those people wouldn’t lift a finger for you, if it weren’t for the fat paychecks they take home week after week. So, fuck them! Don’t waste your generosity on those douche nozzles.

douche nozzle

Instead, this year, give generously to the people who really deserve it. Give to the people who work hard for you all year, every week, rain or shine, and ask for nothing in return for their tireless efforts and diligence. People who make it their priority to provide you with interesting, amusing, and mildly arousing entertainment every week, free of charge, and without compensation, acting purely from the goodness of their hearts, for the benefit of all of humanity. In other words, people like me, your humble blogger at Like You’ve Got Something Better To Do.

lygsbtd frace t-shirt

I honestly cannot think of anyone who deserves your generous financial gift more than I do, and if you take the time to think about it carefully, I think you’ll agree. Don’t make the stupid mistakes that trap so many gullible saps into supporting greedy, undeserving scam artists, while good, hard-working people like me persevere through the cold, dark winter months without so much as a “thank-you” from the faceless masses who show up here to consume my work anonymously, leaving nothing of themselves but the statistics that record their activity.


Lots of people give money to help the poor around the holidays, and I can hardly think of a dumber waste of money. Look, I don’t have any money. I’m poor, but you don’t see me standing on the side of the road looking pathetic, flying a cardboard sign, and playing on your sympathies. I don’t do that because I don’t play people for saps.


The poor are just a bottomless pit. That’s why they call it “pity”. Don’t throw your money into it. The poor aren’t poor because they don’t have enough money; the poor are poor because the rich have no use for them, and the middle-class would rather kiss rich ass than stand shoulder to shoulder with the poor against the 1%. I spit in the eye of the rich and the middle-class, and call them on their bullshit, while the poor who stand around begging, just play the rich and middle-class for suckers, and exploit them for their pity without challenging the status quo.


Some people prefer to give money to organizations that help the poor, rather than giving to poor people individually, but these organizations play you for rubes too. The Salvation Army hires thousands of “bell-ringers” every holiday season just to suck up all of the money that would otherwise go directly into the pockets of poor people. That is, if business owners didn’t harass, kick and call the cops on every legitimately poor person who comes within 30 ft of their business. Merchants love these “bell-ringers” almost as much as they despise and detest real poor people.


The money that you drop into the Salvation Army kettle goes to pay a literal army of salaried administrators, who enjoy comfy heated offices, medical benefits, and paid vacation time. They spend their days deciding which projects to fund that will make them look good in the public’s eye, while they dream up new ways to capitalize on the pity of the stupid. What is more obnoxious, a paid asshole who never stops ringing that goddamned bell, or a homeless beggar with a nice quiet sign? Take my advice, ignore them both, and give to me, the one you neither see nor hear.


Some people like to give money to environmental organizations. These groups suck worse than organizations that help the poor. I don’t care whether it’s Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, World Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, PETA, or any of the fucking PIRGs, they’re all full of the same bullshit. They’re all just a bunch of spoiled brat white kids who would rather take pictures of dead whales, tortured lab animals, or disgusting landfills full of toxic waste than get a job killing whales, torturing lab animals or making massive amounts of pointless consumer garbage.


Every year we have more environmental organizations, and every year the environmental crisis grows more dire. Stop throwing good money after bad, and cut those suckers off.

cutoff 5

The same goes for social justice organizations like the ACLU, Doctors Without Borders, or the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Doctors and lawyers are the blood-sucking scum floating at the top of the cesspool we call modern society. If doctors and lawyers think they can do something about the injustice and inequality in the world, they should do it with the vast sums of money we already overpay them for creating that injustice and inequality in the first place. Don’t give those greedy bastards one more dime than you absolutely have to.


Finally, too many people donate money every year to support public media like PBS, NPR and Community Radio. For God’s sake don’t get fleeced by these shysters. So what if you let Big Bird babysit your kids or like to watch taxpayer funded programming from some socialist country that forces people to pay for it. That’s no reason to open your wallet for them.

big bird begging

Whenever a publicly funded media outlet asks for money, they always like to remind us how much better they are than Fox News. So what! That’s like gonorrhea asking for money because it’s better than AIDS. Look, we’re all media here. Media ain’t gonna save the fucking world folks. I’m not saying that public media is as bad as a case of “the clap”, but there’s a good argument to be made that we’d all be better off without any of it. There’s some news you’ll never here on public media. Here’s some more: Public media is one of the most overfed pigs at the public trough.


They all tell you that it’s non-commercial programming, but that doesn’t stop them from interrupting every fifteen minutes to tell you that the show was paid for by “Saps like you, and generous contributions from Archer Daniels Midland, Cramming Our Food Down Your Throat 247365, Warehouser, Clear-cutting Old-Growth Forests So We Can Plant More Trees, or Massey Energy, We Mine Coal… Fuck You.


Yes, all of those public media outlets enjoy taxpayer subsidies, and suck-up to every evil corporation on the planet for the billions of dollars they give, just for the phony respectability that public media gives them. That’s why you never hear anything like the biting social criticism you read here at lygsbtd, on public media. Like You’ve Got Something Better To Do challenges the right, the left, and everyone in the middle. You won’t get that on PBS, NPR, or even community radio.


All of those public media outlets know where their money comes from, and they’re not about to rock the boat. I don’t know where my money comes from, because I don’t have any. and I’m all about rocking the boat, because the boat is sinking! Public media still wants you to believe in the system, because they are part of the system. They don’t care what the system does to you or your kids future, you’re already shark bait to them, and they’re the shark.

shark bait 1

For them, it’s a feeding frenzy, and they’re never satisfied. They always want more. It’s time to cut them off, and put your money behind the real independent voice of Southern Humboldt County, me, and this blog Like You’ve Got Something Better To Do. Your kids will never forgive you if you don’t.

never forgive

I don’t take money from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, because I can’t deal with the paperwork involved. I don’t take money from corporations. I mean, I would, if any of them offered me any, but so far they haven’t. Any corporations looking for favorable coverage from a hot, edgy new-media outlet, I’m listening, but until we make a deal, you are fair game.


Until now, I have not received even one-cent, from anyone, for producing this blog. Yet, every week, I give you more. I give you more humor, more pictures, more social commentary, more science, more economics, more big words, more of myself than I give to my beloved partner Amy, who’s feeling a little unappreciated right now. So how about it folks? I could sure use some help right about now. My truck broke down last week and it’s going to cost more than a grand to fix it.

truck broke down

If you enjoy reading this blog, and if you’ve gotten this far, you must, click that donate now button. Give a hundred bucks to keep me, lygsbtd, my truck, and my mechanic, going strong in 2014.


Can’t afford a whole Benjamin? I understand that times are tough. How about a dollar week? $52, that’s just one dollar per post for all of 2014. It would really mean a lot to me.

In fact, as a thank-you gift, for any contribution of $25 or more, I will send you this lovely Like You’ve Got Something Better To Do coffee mug.

lygsbtd mug

This is a really nice mug. It holds 16oz of your favorite beverage. It has the Like You’ve Got Something Better To Do logo on the side. It’s a good quality ceramic mug, and I’m happy to send it to you for $25. Of course, the real prize is this blog: Like You’ve Got Something Better To Do, and your donation will keep it coming to you all year in 2014.  thanks for your generous support!

Celebrating Holimins

Celebrating Holimins

celebrate holi2

Well the Holiday Season has finally arrived, the time of year that we set aside a few days to spend with our family, just to remind us that there really are a few things worse than work. We all recognize the importance of holidays, and why we need so many of them at this time of year, when the weather turns cold, and the nights are long. We take our holidays when we do, because that’s when we most need a break from our daily grind.


By the middle of November, most of us are on the verge of going postal. Then, just as we are about to snap, the four-day Thanksgiving Weekend rolls around. After four days of turkey, beer, and televised football induced oblivion, we can drag ourselves back to work with something like a smile on our face, knowing that there’s just four more weeks till Christmas, and then the whole fucking year is over in a week-long orgy of food, gifts and alcohol abuse. That’s why we have holidays.

Orgy Diego Rivera

Without the holidays, we’d never get through the year without killing somebody. Whether it’s our bosses, coworkers, elected officials, the general public, our family or ourselves, we all have our lists, and every year the holidays come along just in time to to save their lives, and help us get through the rest of the year without incurring a lengthy prison sentence. But what about the struggle just to get through each day?

daily Grind

If you’re like me, you know how difficult it can be to get through a whole day, let alone year, without strangling somebody or curling up into a fetal position, sobbing and screaming “Why… Why… Why…” until you are too hoarse to speak. I know that life is hard, and every day is a struggle. Everyone deserves a break from the stresses of the day now and then. That’s why I invented:

(cue dramatic sound effect, Ka-Bam)


The Holimin

(cue angelic choir ahhh- ahhh- ahhh).

angelic choir

The holimin is a kind of micro-holiday. Holimins break up the day with little one-minute-long celebrations that let us set aside the burdens of our daily grind for a moment of merriment. My partner and I, being the cultural creatives we are, have been celebrating holimins for more than five years already, and in that time they have become a cherished tradition for us. We now celebrate many holimins throughout our day, and we have developed customs and rituals around each of them.


Some holimins are more festive, some more spiritual, while some simply remind us of who we are and what time it is. You might celebrate some of these holimins yourself, and not realize it. For instance, lots of people around here, and cannabis enthusiasts all over the country for that matter, celebrate the holimin that falls on 4:20.


If you’ve ever sparked up a joint or fired up a bong load precisely, and intentionally at twenty minutes after four, you’ve celebrated the 4:20 holimin. I very much enjoy this holimin, even though I smoke pot all day long, I take special pleasure in it when I do it at exactly 4:20. Around here, parties often start at 4:20. Informal groups often gather to partake in cannabis smoking at 4:20, and some employers even schedule breaks at 4:20 to allow their employees to enjoy a smoke at that time.

bong chick

All over the country, people set aside what they are doing at 4:20, pick up a joint or a bong or a pipe, add fire and inhale. This simple act changes their whole perspective on the day, and makes them feel better, and forget about whatever it is they were doing at 4:19. Yes, 4:20 provides an excellent example of the power of holimins, but you don’t have to wait until late afternoon (or very early morning) to celebrate a holimin, nor is it necessary to indulge in psychoactive drugs to enjoy them (although it helps).


Any minute of any day can be a holimin if it is significant to you, and you take the time to celebrate it. Of course, it always helps to have someone to celebrate a holimin with, but it’s not completely necessary. Like holidays, holimins tend to lose their meaning, and become depressing, if you try to celebrate them alone, but also like holidays, holimins can bring you closer together and strengthen the bonds between people who celebrate them together. On the other hand, I have discovered that too many holimins, or holimins celebrated at inappropriate times, like during sex for example, can have a negative effect on a relationship, so strive for a good balance in your holimin celebrations.

interrupting sex

It doesn’t cost a lot, or take a lot of time or energy to celebrate a holimin. In fact, you should always keep holimin celebrations to less than one minute, this precludes shopping for gifts, costumes, decorations, or even food preparation, which tends to bog down holidays and make them expensive. Holimins, by contrast, require only a simple gesture, a chant, a short song, a little dance or an embrace, just a little something you can do in less than 60 seconds, without prior preparation, to acknowledge the special moment.

life is a special occasion

For us, holimins began with a minute that acquired significance with the advent of digital timepieces. Perhaps you celebrate this one too, 11:11. AM or PM, 11:11 is the only time of day when clocks show us four ones in a row. In the world of digital time, 11:11 has an elegance only matched by 12:00 or 6:30 on clocks with dials and hands. There is a certain Zen about looking at a digital clock at 11:11, a time when all things are equal, and all is one.

Art Nude Model Covered With Vines

Now, excuse me while I go celebrate 4:20.

smoking three joints

Ok, now what was I talking about, oh yeah, 11:11


To celebrate 11:11, we have developed this little tradition: Whichever one of us looks at the clock at 11:11, will pick up the clock and show it to the other one of us. We then turn and look at each other with the expression usually only seen on small children as they gaze at a decorated tree piled high with presents on Christmas morning. We hold our hands up, fists clenched, save for the index finger on each hand, which we hold straight, and pointed skyward. Using our raised forefingers, we then recreate the digital display in flesh and bone, with real digits, while we chant, in unison, “Eleven! Eleven!” as though we were shouting “Happy New Year!”, and then we kiss.

new-years kiss

We found the whole celebration tremendously fun, and it only took a few seconds. It made us smile. It made us laugh, and more than once it evolved into late morning, or late night nookie, but it didn’t happen every day. That is, most of the time 11:11 would just slip by unnoticed, and we wouldn’t celebrate it. So, we decided we needed some more holimins.


10:10 seemed like a natural, it’s got a kind of balance about it. It’s binary, which seemed cool. So, building on the success of 11:11, we developed a holimin tradition for 10:10 similar to our 11:11celebration, but instead of holding up only one finger on each hand, we hold up all ten fingers. Then, we give each other two-handed high-fives, chant “Ten! Ten!”, and kiss.


10:10 became a hit as well. Before long we started celebrating 12:12, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55, and developed holimin traditions for each of them. As we added more holimins, we started looking for different things we could do to celebrate them. 3:33, took on special meaning for us, because it is half of 666, the number of “The Beast”. We call 3:33 the Half-Beast Holimin, and it became the first holimin with a special holimin song, at it goes like this:


(sung to the tune of Wild Thing)


You left my raft beached

You make Menonite movies

You’re my Half-Beast

half beast

Be sure to go “ner, ner, ner”, or if you are cat lovers like us, go “meow, meow, meow” to cover the guitar chords between words, and do it all with enthusism, and maybe even air-guitar hand gestures. Our Half-Beast celebration quickly became a favorite, and we even celebrated it in public a few times; once, I recall, very quietly, in the library, and another time at The Meadows Cafe in Redway, but we still wanted more.


We added 12:34, then 1:23, 2:34, 3:45 and 4:56, as well as 6:54, 5:43, 4:32, and 3:21, which, of course, involved chanting: “Three!… Two!… One!… Blastoff!”. We developed holimin traditions for all of them. I won’t bore you with the details, but they’re all silly, and fun, just like regular holidays. To top it off, we added 10:01 and 12:21, and dubbed them the palindrome holimins. Looking at the clock became more fun than playing a slot machine. Any time of day, there was a pretty good chance that the clock would “pay-off”, with a holimin.

jackpot 1

The palindrome holimins proved to be the “straw that broke the camels back”. Over time, all of those holimins became burdensome, and stressful on our relationship. Besides that, it became hard to get anything done unless we hid the clock. Eventually, for the sake of our relationship we said “Never again” to holimins, and ceased celebrating them all together, but it wasn’t long before we started missing them.

missing someone

Today, we still have our holimin traditions for all 20 holimins, buy we’ve learned to only celebrate them if they feel appropriate to us at the moment, and we seem to have arrived at a happy balance of holimins in our lives. I hope you will try out holimins for yourself. Experiment with them, see what works for you, and develop your own rich holimin traditions. Happy Holimins!

celebrating holimins

300th Post at Like You’ve Got Something Better To Do

300th post at LYGSBTD

300 club

Today I’m proud to present to you the 300th post at Like You’ve Got Something Better to Do.  Can you believe it?  300 posts and still going strong.  In addition to 300 occasionally humorous essays, you’ll also find over 3,000 pictures, silly pictures, sexy pictures, stolen pictures.  Every week, in addition  to the many hours that it takes me to compose these essays, I spend at least 4hours poring over pictures to illustrate each post.

300x205xGandalf-Studying-300x205-1.png.pagespeed.ic.oV69qGzkK4From time to time, in my quest for the perfect picture for a given paragraph, I come across a picture that that doesn’t quite suit the post, but is just too good to pass up.  At the end of each year, I burn all of the pictures I have collected for the blog onto a couple of cds, and then never look at them again.  So, for today’s 300th post, I thought I’d share some of those pictures I liked well enough to save, but weren’t quite relevant enough to fit into another post.  Let’s get to it:

ninjas and piratesThis sign only makes me want to get inside more.  I hope it does the same for you.

Femen_photoI don’t know what these women are protesting, but I support them 100%, which leads to…

eyes on their breastsWomen with eyes on their breasts.  This would make talking to women so much easier.

residents groupiesOr maybe, if women’s eyes were bigger than their breasts, even if they only had one, it would be easier to look them in the eye.  These women are obviously Residents fans.  If you’ve never heard of the Residents, you should check them out.

While you’re watching the Residents, you might wish you had some LSD.  I know I do.

Blotter_LSD_Dumbo-tonguebut be careful with that stuff…

lsdand while you are soaring through outer space, you might appreciate a companion…

301969_255945184448476_1627384718_nclearly alcohol was involved, but what a great Halloween costume.  Speaking of costumes…

chicken costumena na na na na na na na na… Cockman!  Who could have imagined that a bat would be more popular..

Bats babyOk, I guess bats are pretty damn cute, but you know what is even cuter than baby bats…

smallest catThe world’s smallest cat.  Not a kitten, this cat is a year-and-a-half old in this photo.  You know who is not going to make it to one-and-a-half years old…

shoot the babyThis baby.  To explain this photo, I offer the following graph…

Stupid-Evil-Crazy21That explains a lot, doesn’t it.  but not this…

rocket bullManned space flight is always a bad idea, because of all the global warming gasses that it generates, but trying it indoors was an especially bad idea.   They should have read the sign…

fart control signanother sign of the times…

fastenersbecause in this modern era, everything is falling apart which makes us nostalgic for the old days, when products were made with quality, style and durability in mind.  like these…

furry keyholeGenuine mink…  and only $1, what a bargain.  What a great way to show off your great taste.  Of course, you’ll need a suit…


Yes, Dorcus made great suits for men.  I can’t imagine why they are not still in business, with innovative products like this.

dorcus sweatWow… What a Dorcus!  For more Dorcus fashions, I recommend:

Speaking of fashion…

crab headImagine this woman’s surprise.  you might expect to be bitten by a crab, on the toe, while walking barefoot on the beach, but when they attack from above, in urban environments, we’re all in big trouble.  Speaking of trouble…

thankskillingIt’s revenge time, and we’ll never know what hit us because…

zombie apocalypseIt’s a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!  RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! or you’ll end up like this…

Bone chandelierThis chandelier is made entirely from human bones.  It’s part of the bone cathedral in the Czech Republic.  Here’s a video:

I think it’s beautiful, and find it inspiring.  Sometimes I think I’d like to make something nice like this out of my community.  But The Chech Republic doesn’t have a monopoly on morbid…

usasurpasses3_4We’re Number One!  We’re Number One!  We’re Number One!  And speaking of religion…

christianityBecause without Christians, we’d never have…

figs in hellYes, we have issues with food in this country.  Only in the USA would you see this…

fat guy eatingI think this photo sums up American culture perfectly.  I don’t know what the hell is going on, and I don’t want to.  Speaking of inscrutable…

Pee-for-victoryBut who could pass up the free chlamydia test kit.  So here’s your opportunity to participate…

restroomsI think that’s the most graphic restroom graphic I’ve ever seen.  I’m guessing the artist has never watched a woman pee outside before.  Finally, as an artist, I leave you with a quote, that explains this post.

great artists steal