See Hemp Disconnected, A Psychological War for American Dependence Today at

Censored by The Indie

I submitted this letter to the Humboldt Indie, my local paper, twice. I received no response from staff, nor was the letter printed in the paper. I don’t know why I even bother anymore.

Dear Editor,

I do appreciate that The Indie provides me with free dry kindling each week, however, your coverage of the pandemic really burns me up.

Once upon a time, Kelly Lincoln promised a report about the documents Pfizer was forced to release under a court order stemming from an FOIA request. That report never materialized, instead she gives us the same nonsensical fear-mongering spiel we get from corporate media. Worse are the editorials submitted on behalf of SoHum Health, written by people with no medical expertise, full of false claims and misleading statements with no sources sited at all. But SoHum Health’s recent ad really blew my mind.

In the ad, SoHum Health informs readers that “If you’re ages 12 and up and it’s been at least two months since you’ve had any Covid vaccine or booster, it’s time for a boost!” TWO MONTHS!

What happened to the original claim that the initial 2-jab vaccine was “absolutely safe and absolutely effective.” The original vaccine promised lifelong protection from disease and an end to the pandemic. Why didn’t it live up to those expectations? Why was no one held accountable for that? Why would we ever trust the people who told us that lie again?

By now many people in this community have taken three or four of these injections, and most of the people I know who took these injections, subsequently got sick from Covid. Some of them have gotten sick from Covid two or three times since they got “vaccinated.” If those people are not immune to Covid by now, I daresay they never will be.

A “vaccine” that requires a “booster” every two months is no vaccine at all. What the hell is it? Why does SoHum Health continue to recommend these shots even though they obviously do not prevent infection or stop the spread of disease? Most importantly, why don’t Indie reporters ever ask these questions?

Frankly, The Indie’s coverage of the pandemic has served only one purpose, and that is to undermine the credibility of both SoHum Health and The Indie. I used to respect The Indie as a reliable source of local news. I miss that. Now, I’m just thankful that it burns. As for SoHum Health, I’m simply disgusted.


John Hardin

Censored by the NCJ

I submitted this Letter to the Editor to the North Coast Journal last week. They did not print it. I was not at all surprised by that.

Dear Editor,

What a surprise to find two thoughtful, perceptive and spot-on letters to the editor in the NCJ last week. Both D Lamar Hudson and Amy Gustin raise important points about the newly reignited abortion debate. For the last two years, the NCJ has endorsed vaccine mandates, vaccine apartheid, and even suggested that we embrace a policy of forcibly injecting vaccine-resistant citizens against their will, all the while disparaging and censoring anyone who opposed those gross violations of human and civil rights, so it was clever rhetoric, albeit inaccurate and misleading, to attempt to frame a woman’s right to abortion in other terms, terms like “reproductive rights.”

Hudson explains why the term “reproductive rights” does not apply to abortion. A woman’s right to abortion derives from the inalienable human right of bodily sovereignty and the constitutionally guaranteed right of privacy. Unless we uphold both of these principles as sacred inviolable human rights for everyone, a woman’s right to an abortion becomes tenuous. Here’s why:

The State has an obligation to punish the taking of human life. However, the State also has an obligation to respect the rights of the accused. A woman’s bodily sovereignty gives her the right to choose to abort. Her right to privacy deprives the State of evidence that a life has been taken. That’s why a woman’s right to choose is not contingent on whether life begins at conception or birth.

Unfortunately, Amy Gustin correctly observes that the NCJ and Democrats in general have thrown bodily sovereignty and privacy under the bus in their passion to embrace intrusive Covid policies. This embrace, to quote Hannah Arendt,* “was like a political demonstration… that no such thing as inalienable rights existed and that affirmations… to the contrary were mere prejudice, hypocrisy and cowardice.” God help us.


John Hardin

rom: The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt, Chapter 9- Decline of the Nation-State and the End of the Rights of Man, p. 269

Played Like a Fiddle

As soon as the bombs started falling on Ukraine, the memes started dropping on Facebook. Suddenly, I’m getting bombed by blue and yellow Support Ukraine memes, followed by Boogieman Putin memes, Ukrainian refugees with their pets memes, and heroic Ukrainian freedom fighter memes. This is what a 21st Century propaganda war looks like. I don’t know where these memes come from, but they were clearly created by professionals, and released strategically.

Don’t get me wrong. I have only sympathy, compassion and concern for the people of Ukraine and my prayers go out to them. I also have sympathy, compassion and prayers for the Russian soldiers who have no desire to kill Ukrainian people or destroy their homes, but who have been sent on this tragic errand. I have no affection for Putin, and I condemn this invasion. However, the US invades sovereign nations all the time, with much less provocation. If we can’t control our own government’s military aggression, who are we to complain about Russia’s.

What is missing from this deluge of propaganda, is any acknowledgment of US culpability in this dreadful situation. There’s no mention of the long-term CIA operations to install pro-western governments all over Eastern Europe, especially the Ukraine, or of how those operations foment and finance Nazi movements that have persisted in Ukraine since WWII. Nor do they mention the business deals which insure that Ukrainian wealth, humanity and resources be exploited by oligarchs in Berlin, London, and New York, rather than those in Moscow.

On the ground, in that part of the world, there is great disagreement over which of those two “trading partners” offer a better deal, and more than a few idealistic Ukrainians would prefer to cultivate a free and independent nation without any unwelcome influence from abroad. Most, however, would prefer any of the above options, to war.

Crisis in Ukraine

Considering US culpability as the driving force behind NATO’s eastward expansion, We the People, bear responsibility for this mess, even though most of us had no idea what our government was doing over there behind our backs. This is a problem. Our government represents us, and when our government commits really horrible, atrocious crimes against humanity, We the People are to blame. However, We the People are the most media-hypnotized people on Earth, and consequently, corporate interests can obtain our permission, through hypnosis, to use our government in any way they choose.

Let me say that again. We are the most media-hypnotized people on Earth, and corporate interests use media hypnosis to get our permission to use our government to do their dirty work. It’s called “Manufactured Consent.” We get bombarded with one-sided propaganda promoting an impossibly simple, unbelievably naive narrative about Ukraine, just at the moment that their impossibly simple, unbelievably naive narrative about Covid began to collapse.

Russia launched its invasion, just as 2021 US mortality rates revealed a shockingly high death toll. The US overall mortality rate, which remained unchanged through the 2020 Covid pandemic, shot up by 40% in 2021 following the roll-out of Covid vaccines. That’s an unprecedented spike in overall mortality. Researchers estimate that lockdown measures reduced the average American’s life expectancy by almost 2 years, another shocking impact, and a recent study by the Harvard School of Applied Economics revealed that lockdown measures did almost no good, for the enormous amount of harm they caused.

Anne and her family were exterminated by Nazis. The best is yet to come!

I’m just warning you that the people feeding you this bullshit about Ukraine are the same people who convinced you to needlessly live under house arrest for two years, take potentially lethal injections of experimental drugs that don’t work, and wear a mask that you know doesn’t stop the fine particulate matter associated with forest-fires, but somehow prevents the spread of a virus that is a hundred times smaller.

As I see it, there are four great tragedies playing out here:

1. The tragedy of war in Ukraine, for which we bear some responsibility.

2. The Tragedy of US Foreign Policy, driven by oligarchs, promoted through corporate media and drenched in the blood of humanity that stains the hands of every American. The crimes against humanity attributed to our out-of-control government’s policies would, in fact does, fill many volumes. For brevity’s sake only, let’s leave it at that.

3. The Tragedy of Media Monopoly, internet censorship, and the deluge of propaganda that manipulated Americans into doing far more harm, not only to millions of people all over the world, but to themselves, their fellow citizens and their own country, than any foreign power could dream of.

4. Finally, The Tragedy of the American People. Thousands of Americans died needlessly because they were denied early treatment to Covid. Tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people died, and continue to die, from adverse reactions to Covid vaccines, and thousands more people died deaths of despair as they watched their businesses, marriages, and/or careers collapse under lockdown measures. Perhaps worst of all, in the midst of this tragedy, a kind of insanity has taken hold.

In this socially atomized, media-hypnotized, environment of fear and isolation, Americans are shell-shocked, confused and traumatized. They have no idea where to turn. Out of habit, they turn on the TV; they read the news; they scroll through their feed, because they don’t know what else to do. So, they still live in a virtual reality where Covid vaccines are “safe and effective” and the disease is worth sacrificing your quality of life to avoid. The media continues to ignore the mountain of Covid “vaccine” injuries, while Biden’s administration keeps pushing Americans into this new medical authoritarianism that censors the wails of grieving families while it floods cyberspace with electronic propaganda.

The schizophrenia has taken a toll on the American psyche, and understandably so. Without a firm grip on reality, we’re left rudderless in a shit-storm of sophisticated propaganda. Unfortunately, the technocrats spreading this propaganda know this, and they know how to capitalize on the injuries they’ve already inflicted. Thus far, they’ve played us like a fiddle, and they’re still calling the tune. Regardless of the situation in Ukraine, the tragedy of the American people strikes closest to home, and that’s the one I’m most concerned about.

An Unpublished Letter to the NCJ

I submitted this letter to the North Coast Journal after they announced that they were going to stop focusing on pandemic fearmongering. This is the letter they refused to print:

Dear Editor,

I’m so glad to hear that the NCJ will stop hyper-focusing on Covid. While I am most eager to get back to living a less severely restricted life, I know that a lot of us have questions about what we just went through. For instance: Why did following “Best Medical Practices” as ordered by our Public Health officials, lead to the worst case scenario for our community?

We in the US comprise 4% of the world’s human population, but we suffered 15% of the world’s Covid casualties, despite the fact, or perhaps because of the fact, that Public Health authorities turned our lives upside-down in response. Why did all of the emergency measures, that disrupted our lives so dramatically, fail so spectacularly? Who is responsible, not only at the national level, but also here in Humboldt? How can we insure that nothing like this ever happens again?

And while we are on the subject of medical malfeasance. Why are the world’s most vaccinated nations, like Israel and the UK, seeing the biggest surges of Omicron? Why are so many people dying suddenly after vaccination? Why does anyone still recommend or require Covid vaccines given their complete failure to stop the disease, and their proven danger? Specifically, why didn’t the NCJ report on the spike in death and injury reports to CDC’s VAERS system following the Covid “vaccine” rollout?

Finally, why did the NCJ use such sleazy rhetoric, including scapegoating and dehumanizing epithets, to marginalize anyone who disagreed with those disastrous Public Health diktats? We deserve answers to these questions, and if you ever expect us to trust you again, you’ve got some explaining to do.


John Hardin


It used to be that all you had to do to find this site was look for John Hardin’s blog, or even John Hardin’s Humboldt blog, and a link to this blog would come up at the top of the page. Today, that search will lead you to hundreds of articles by me, published anywhere but here, but right now, this is where the action is. So, thanks for reading regularly and staying in touch.

It’s nice to know who my real friends are. If you can still find this blog, you either subscribe, or you know where to find me, because search engines have censored this site from search results. Unless you type “LYGSBTD” into the search window, and tell them that you don’t mean Lyngsat, they will not send you here.

That said, there are a lot of other censored voices who have a lot to say about our current situation, and this week, I just want to share a few of those with you:

Let’s start with Mattias Desmet. In this interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr Desmet discusses the psychology of Mass Formation under authoritarianism. He offers a lot of insight into our current situation:

Catherine Austin Fitts used to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. She now runs the Solari Institute which tracks the machinations of of high finance for the benefit of working people and the middle-class:

The most knowledgeable doctors in America on Covid-19, Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Vladimir Zelenko join South African cartoonist and podcaster Jerm for this interview. Jerm does a good interview and gets very good guests on his podcast. Every few months, I look up Dr Peter McCullough, and or Dr Vladimir Zelenko just to keep up on the science behind this pandemic. I recommend you do the same:

In this restricted information environment, it is important to know where to find the information you need to make clear decisions in these uncertain times. I don’t even bother looking for information at youtube anymore. I found all of these resources at bitchute. Thanks for coming here. I hope you find these resources helpful, and I’ll continue to try to help you make sense of the madness we find ourselves surrounded by these days.

Watch Out for that Left Hook

I always wondered how Hitler got the liberals and environmentalists of his time to support his genocidal agenda. I thought liberals were more broad-minded and high-minded than conservatives, and less gullible than evangelicals. I assumed fascism would come from the Right, and we on the Left would be there to fight it. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Today, I see two well-coordinated arms of a single fascist beast dividing people who just want a better world by selling them two opposing strategies for achieving similar goals and letting them fight with each other. Meanwhile they take our money, freedom and resources.

They built Trump. Then they turned him into the scariest boogieman on Earth, then used our fear and hatred of him to drive liberals and progressives into the open arms of the blandest puppet they had, Joe Biden. At the same time they used our fear of Covid-19 to scare us into surrendering our civil rights, and public identity for lockdown measures and mandatory injections. They used Trump to scare us away from Bernie and towards Biden, the same way they used Covid-19 to scare us into censorship, lockdowns, quarantines and mandatory injections.

This is not political discourse or public debate nor does it serve the public interest or the interests of public health. This is a hunting strategy, or perhaps more accurately, a pest extermination strategy. We thought we were voting for the lesser of two evils, and we felt righteous about it because we thought we had defeated a greater evil. In truth, we only defeated our own dreams. We defeated our dreams of universal health care and medical system reform.

As a result, we’ve become slaves of the medical system. The medical system decides whether we can go to a concert or show our face in public. They tell us which businesses can stay open and which can’t, and now they tell us that we have to let them inject us with experimental new drugs every six months. We all know these injections don’t stop disease and can kill you, but its not your choice to make. You understand. We have to think about the “most vulnerable.”

The “most vulnerable”, of course, are the billionaire plutocrats and technocrats who coordinated the entire operation: The billionaire “philanthropists” who remade the public health system in their own image. The technocrats who censor information and steer search results. The corrupt government bureaucrats who profit from the industry they are supposed to regulate, and of course, the billionaire investors who control capital. They are the “most vulnerable” right now because there are so many of us, and so few of them, and if we knew how badly they have fucked us over, we would kill them.

I already hear people talking about a new Nuremberg Trial to prosecute the perpetrators of this genocide, so it will never happen again. To me, however, it feels more like the Battle of Britain. We have to win the war before we can hold the generals and “doctors” to account. After two years of fear-mongering propaganda, draconian lockdown measures and the alienation of masking and social distancing, I see the toll this ordeal has taken on my community, and victory is far from assured.

What is clear, however, is how effectively their strategy of scaring us into their trap works on liberals and progressives. I saw how they cynically used people’s naturally cooperative nature and community spirit to convince them to make painful and unnecessary sacrifices in their quality of life, and then I watched those cooperative, self-sacrificing people turn against their neighbors who refused to comply. I saw how the support for the well-founded science behind global warming got grafted onto the sleazy science-fiction used to sell lockdown measures and vaccines. I watched them turn Progressive’s religious zeal for technological innovation into blind obedience to technocratic authoritarianism.

I watched doctors, journalists, public officials, publishers and media outlets throw their credibility away (along with their readers, supporters and audience) in slavish obedience to an authority that has lied to us from the beginning. I watched the internet, which initially promised to democratize information and protect free speech become a panopticon of high-tech surveillance and an echo chamber for authoritarian propaganda.

Now that I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I see how liberals, progressives, artists, gay people, environmentalists, activists, the kind of people I associate with, my friends, can get sucked into a fascist coup and become some of its most vociferous supporters. As painful as this is to watch, this experience has taught me that you don’t have to be evil to do great evil in this world. You just have to be frightened, gullible, and trust the wrong people.

P.S. Prof. Mattias Desmet explains the concept of Mass Formation and its function in a totalitarian state.

It Feels Good to Tell the Truth

You really must read Robert F Kennedy’s new book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I cannot stress this enough. If you want to know why the US lost more lives to Covid per capita than any other nation in the developed world; If you want to know why Covid vaccines don’t work and why they kill so many people; If you want to know why millions of Americans think Tony Fauci belongs in prison, You must read this book, and if you do read this book, you will agree with them.

RFKJr makes an airtight case against Fauci, and the evidence against him is damning. This is why, of course, RFKJr and his book have been so heavily censored. In reality, anyone who calls this book “Hate Speech” or “Disinformation” only undermines their own credibility, because RFKJr speaks the truth, and he has the science and evidence to back it up.

Only criminals fear the truth, and it is only a matter of time until the truth comes out, but until then, we face the most heavily censored and strictly controlled media environment I have ever witnessed. History teaches that regimes censor information, not to protect gullible citizens from misleading falsehoods, but to cover-up their own crimes against humanity. RFKJr knows where those bodies are buried, and he knows who killed them. That’s why RFKJr, his book, and his organization, Children’s Health Defense, gets vilified in corporate media and scrubbed from so many online media outlets like Youtube.

While reading the book myself, it occurred to me that we need this information so much right now that I should go stand on a street corner in the center of town and read the book aloud, “Town Crier” style. I just thought, “If they are going to use their technology to censor information, rather than disseminate it, we have to stop using their technology and do things the old fashioned way.”

So I brought a microphone and a little battery powered amplifier, and I stood on the Garberville Town Square on a sunny Friday afternoon last December, and read the Introduction and part of Chapter 1 to a handful of onlookers for two hours. It didn’t get much response. Someone who lived nearby came out to complain about the noise, and he threatened violence, but nothing came of it. After the threat, I asked a friend to shoot some video of me speaking, and to keep the camera ready in case something happened. When I finished reading for the afternoon, I posted a few minutes of that video to Youtube, to show my friends what I had done.

Last week I checked that video because I wondered if Youtube had censored it. I discovered that they had not censored it, and it has been viewed almost 30,000 times! 1,400 people liked it and it got over 250 comments, almost all of them positive and encouraging. I was shocked. Instead of getting censored, that video went viral! Only about 1,000 people live in Garberville, and only a fraction of them were out that day, but I spoke RFKJr’s words to enough people to fill a stadium, on Youtube no less. By rejecting their technology, I inadvertently subverted it.

Now, I encourage you do the same, but let’s do it intentionally. Let’s make RFKJr’s game-changing new book, The Real Anthony Fauci available to Youtube viewers everywhere, in every language by reading the book aloud, in public, and posting a video of it to Youtube. If 30,000 people read a three minute excerpt, I’m sure we could cover the entire book, maybe even the footnotes. That would take coordination, but if people just start reading their favorite parts to begin with, we can fill in the gaps later. Obviously, this idea resonates with people. Do it! Have fun with it! It feels damn good to tell the truth.

It’s Not About Science, It’s About Power and Control

My liberal friends think they are smart because they think they understand the science used to justify lockdown measures, masking ordinances and vaccine mandates. They send me vapid little articles that dress government propaganda up with liberal guilt-tripping, insultingly sleazy arguments, and slanderous vilification of the opposition. These articles only make me wonder why they found them convincing in the first place, but for some reason it makes some people feel better to pretend like they know what is going on, no matter how ridiculous the explanation they believe.

In fact, none of the pandemic response measures make any sense from a scientific public health perspective. Quarantines, masking and social distancing have done orders of magnitude more harm than Covid-19. Covid vaccines kill far more people than they save, and the psychological harm of social isolation has driven people to the brink of madness. The “science” used to justify those measures was all bullshit. None of it ever made any sense from a public health perspective, and none of it calculated, let alone considered the side-effects.

On the other hand, from a global fascist coup perspective, the pandemic response was ruthlessly shrewd, and worked flawlessly to prevent people all over the world from opposing the overthrow of their elected governments and an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the middle-class, to the obscenely rich. From the perspective of a global technocratic takeover, the dissolution of representative democracy, and the abolition of civil rights, the pandemic response proved brilliant, perhaps the greatest single political achievement of any fascist regime ever.

Think about it. You just witnessed a global fascist coup, and instead of opposing it, you placed yourself under house arrest, did your level best to censor and bully your less gullible friends and neighbors, and then lined up for mass execution. They took over the whole world without firing a single bullet, and you cheered for them, took your shot, and turned on your friends who didn’t. That’s what just happened folks. None of it made sense, scientifically. None of it was necessary, and none of it was about protecting you. Quite the opposite.

So no, I’m not impressed by what you think you know about virology or medicine, even if you are a doctor. Most doctors don’t know much outside of their own narrow specialty, except that they will lose their license if they don’t repeat exactly what the AMA tells them to say. The doctors who specialize in treating people with Covid, and care more about their patients than their income, like Dr Peter McCollough, tell us that masks are useless, Covid vaccines kill people, and early treatment saves lives. Vaccine specialists like Dr. Robert Malone, who invented mRNA vaccines tell us these Covid shots are dangerous in both the short and long-term. Epidemiologists like Dr John Ioannidis tell us that quarantines killed far more people than the virus.

You don’t have to be a doctor to understand what just happened, because it was never about science, medicine or public health. This was all about stealth, deception and power. Billionaires used technology and information as weapons against the people of the world in a global fascist coup. As a result, the world’s power structure has changed, and the United States has been reduced to a banana republic. If you don’t recognize the political reality of what just happened, and you are not outraged, you an idiot, and if you don’t do something about it you are a coward. That’s my scientific analysis of our current predicament.