Hemp Disconnected: A Psychological War for American Dependence

Electric Earth Music

This project started as an idea for a one-hour radio talk show. I assumed it would require a few hours of preparation to make it unfold in real time on live radio. Things change. This idea morphed into Hemp Disconnected: A Psychological War for American Dependence, a nearly two-hour long documentary that I’ve been working on for over a year now with my co-producer Myles Moscato.

The movie features Sonny Bono, Dr William Courtney, Debby Goldsberry, Jack Herer, Marie Mills, Theresa Mills, and Ed Rosenthal, and in it they talk candidly about their roles in the long battle to legalize marijuana (cannabis), a battle that largely defined their lives. The War on Drugs shaped all of our lives to one degree or another because it steered the course of history.

In Hemp Disconnected we see the propaganda campaign against marijuana as an example of a new kind of warfare developed…

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Psychological Operations

Electric Earth Music

Another project required me to watch a lot of old propaganda films. The other project focuses on anti-marijuana propaganda, but looks at how propaganda works in psychological warfare to manipulate the behavior of whole populations. Through that project I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the psychological siege that characterizes life in the digital age, and the degree to which this siege warps our perception of reality. Psychological warfare may, in fact, turn out to be more destructive to humanity than nuclear warfare, if only because no one hesitated to use it, and its use continues to escalate.

These are very dark thoughts to contemplate. Dark thoughts like those put me in the mood for circuit-bent music. When the machine leads you to a dark place, the sound of machines breaking-down and glitching-out is music to your ears. An extended glitch from my bent Casio ML1 forms the twisted spine of…

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Bent Broken Festival March 25

Electric Earth Music

The 2023 Bent Broken Festival premiers on March 25th, featuring a number of videos from Tin Can Luminary and the Orchestra of the Unwanted, and a few more from me without the alias. Personally, I think Circuit-bent noise is some of the most exciting music happening right now, and many of the most eminent artists in this field will be represented at BBF23 including Tim Kaiser, Bill T Miller, Igor Amokian, BOINGdweeby, Psychiceyeclix, and Freeform Delusion.

Circuit-bending refers to the art of creatively rewiring electronic toys to unleash their untapped sonic potential. Once unleashed, the artists then develop performance techniques to play these unique instruments, and compose music to highlight and showcase their newly liberated sounds. Circuit-bent music is very punk, and very geeky at the same time, and what I like about it most is how it resonates with the zeitgeist of our time.

None of the videos I’ve…

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