It Feels Good to Tell the Truth

You really must read Robert F Kennedy’s new book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I cannot stress this enough. If you want to know why the US lost more lives to Covid per capita than any other nation in the developed world; If you want to know why Covid vaccines don’t work and why they kill so many people; If you want to know why millions of Americans think Tony Fauci belongs in prison, You must read this book, and if you do read this book, you will agree with them.

RFKJr makes an airtight case against Fauci, and the evidence against him is damning. This is why, of course, RFKJr and his book have been so heavily censored. In reality, anyone who calls this book “Hate Speech” or “Disinformation” only undermines their own credibility, because RFKJr speaks the truth, and he has the science and evidence to back it up.

Only criminals fear the truth, and it is only a matter of time until the truth comes out, but until then, we face the most heavily censored and strictly controlled media environment I have ever witnessed. History teaches that regimes censor information, not to protect gullible citizens from misleading falsehoods, but to cover-up their own crimes against humanity. RFKJr knows where those bodies are buried, and he knows who killed them. That’s why RFKJr, his book, and his organization, Children’s Health Defense, gets vilified in corporate media and scrubbed from so many online media outlets like Youtube.

While reading the book myself, it occurred to me that we need this information so much right now that I should go stand on a street corner in the center of town and read the book aloud, “Town Crier” style. I just thought, “If they are going to use their technology to censor information, rather than disseminate it, we have to stop using their technology and do things the old fashioned way.”

So I brought a microphone and a little battery powered amplifier, and I stood on the Garberville Town Square on a sunny Friday afternoon last December, and read the Introduction and part of Chapter 1 to a handful of onlookers for two hours. It didn’t get much response. Someone who lived nearby came out to complain about the noise, and he threatened violence, but nothing came of it. After the threat, I asked a friend to shoot some video of me speaking, and to keep the camera ready in case something happened. When I finished reading for the afternoon, I posted a few minutes of that video to Youtube, to show my friends what I had done.

Last week I checked that video because I wondered if Youtube had censored it. I discovered that they had not censored it, and it has been viewed almost 30,000 times! 1,400 people liked it and it got over 250 comments, almost all of them positive and encouraging. I was shocked. Instead of getting censored, that video went viral! Only about 1,000 people live in Garberville, and only a fraction of them were out that day, but I spoke RFKJr’s words to enough people to fill a stadium, on Youtube no less. By rejecting their technology, I inadvertently subverted it.

Now, I encourage you do the same, but let’s do it intentionally. Let’s make RFKJr’s game-changing new book, The Real Anthony Fauci available to Youtube viewers everywhere, in every language by reading the book aloud, in public, and posting a video of it to Youtube. If 30,000 people read a three minute excerpt, I’m sure we could cover the entire book, maybe even the footnotes. That would take coordination, but if people just start reading their favorite parts to begin with, we can fill in the gaps later. Obviously, this idea resonates with people. Do it! Have fun with it! It feels damn good to tell the truth.

It’s Not About Science, It’s About Power and Control

My liberal friends think they are smart because they think they understand the science used to justify lockdown measures, masking ordinances and vaccine mandates. They send me vapid little articles that dress government propaganda up with liberal guilt-tripping, insultingly sleazy arguments, and slanderous vilification of the opposition. These articles only make me wonder why they found them convincing in the first place, but for some reason it makes some people feel better to pretend like they know what is going on, no matter how ridiculous the explanation they believe.

In fact, none of the pandemic response measures make any sense from a scientific public health perspective. Quarantines, masking and social distancing have done orders of magnitude more harm than Covid-19. Covid vaccines kill far more people than they save, and the psychological harm of social isolation has driven people to the brink of madness. The “science” used to justify those measures was all bullshit. None of it ever made any sense from a public health perspective, and none of it calculated, let alone considered the side-effects.

On the other hand, from a global fascist coup perspective, the pandemic response was ruthlessly shrewd, and worked flawlessly to prevent people all over the world from opposing the overthrow of their elected governments and an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the middle-class, to the obscenely rich. From the perspective of a global technocratic takeover, the dissolution of representative democracy, and the abolition of civil rights, the pandemic response proved brilliant, perhaps the greatest single political achievement of any fascist regime ever.

Think about it. You just witnessed a global fascist coup, and instead of opposing it, you placed yourself under house arrest, did your level best to censor and bully your less gullible friends and neighbors, and then lined up for mass execution. They took over the whole world without firing a single bullet, and you cheered for them, took your shot, and turned on your friends who didn’t. That’s what just happened folks. None of it made sense, scientifically. None of it was necessary, and none of it was about protecting you. Quite the opposite.

So no, I’m not impressed by what you think you know about virology or medicine, even if you are a doctor. Most doctors don’t know much outside of their own narrow specialty, except that they will lose their license if they don’t repeat exactly what the AMA tells them to say. The doctors who specialize in treating people with Covid, and care more about their patients than their income, like Dr Peter McCollough, tell us that masks are useless, Covid vaccines kill people, and early treatment saves lives. Vaccine specialists like Dr. Robert Malone, who invented mRNA vaccines tell us these Covid shots are dangerous in both the short and long-term. Epidemiologists like Dr John Ioannidis tell us that quarantines killed far more people than the virus.

You don’t have to be a doctor to understand what just happened, because it was never about science, medicine or public health. This was all about stealth, deception and power. Billionaires used technology and information as weapons against the people of the world in a global fascist coup. As a result, the world’s power structure has changed, and the United States has been reduced to a banana republic. If you don’t recognize the political reality of what just happened, and you are not outraged, you an idiot, and if you don’t do something about it you are a coward. That’s my scientific analysis of our current predicament.

Nazi Collaborators Journal

Before the pandemic, the North Coast Journal and my liberal friends had a lot in common. They hated Trump, gave lip service to the environment and the rights of minorities, but put most of their energy into acting “cool.” Here on the North Coast, “liberal” is almost a default position. All you have to do to become a liberal in Arcata is be agreeable, but I’m surprised by the spinelessness and soft-headedness of too many of my liberal friends, and I’m even more stunned by the ruthlessness of the crew of the NCJ and their apparent eagerness to abandon their role of facilitating local debate in our community, for the opportunity to oppress us with authoritarian propaganda.

Two years into this global fascist coup, liberal journalists, including those at our own North Coast Journal continue to goose-step the hardest, with clueless liberals lining up behind them yelling “Hail Science, Hail Science” even though none of them have looked at the science. The data from the Phase 3 clinical trial of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine will not be released until 2025. Until independent scientists can see that data and analyze it themselves, any recommendation that anyone take that shot are not based on science, but on unsubstantiated claims made in press releases.

The NCJ deserves a special gold swastika for its efforts at driving the global fascist agenda here in Humboldt County. As our Pied Piper of pandemic panic, the NCJ has dutifully fueled the fear, pumped out the propaganda and vilified dissent. They failed to provide the information we needed to make an informed choice about Covid vaccines. Instead, they cajoled, humiliated, shamed and bullied readers into taking the jab. Practically every media outlet in the country did that, but the NCJ went above and beyond.

Not satisfied to simply ignore and belittle community concerns about vaccine safety, the necessity of masking, or the erosion of civil rights, the NCJ went out of its way to insult everyone who objects to this new authoritarian takeover with their recent “Dickmoves” column. Apparently, anyone who disagrees with them is a “dick” and anything we do to express our views, including taking them to our elected officials, constitutes a “dick move.” That’s some world-class Nazism if you ask me, and I think it deserves special recognition.

The NCJ has become a poison in our community, just like the cigarettes they advertise. Could it be that global corporations buy more than ad space in the NCJ? Regardless, that ad should remind you that the NCJ works for global capitalist predators, not you and I.

Now that the terrible truth about Covid vaccines is coming to light, the thousands of deaths, the hundreds of thousands of debilitating and crippling vaccine-induced injuries, the dismal performance of the shots themselves and their complete failure to stop the disease, not to mention the long-term side-effects of the jabs which continue to emerge. All of these things are happening to real people in our community, but the North Coast Journal continues to ignore it. They ignore it because they are responsible for it.

The NCJ’s complicity in these crimes against humanity will prevent them from ever admitting the truth. Instead, they will say anything to cover up their guilt as long as they can. The local writers and editors at the NCJ are now wed to the beast with bonds steeped in the blood of this community. They have betrayed us, and we should never trust them again.

But Their Name is Already Mud

I wish I didn’t have to do this. I definitely have better things to do, but our local media outlets have turned against us, and somebody needs to call them on it. With a noted exception, “journalists” around here no longer consider it their job to provide us with the information we need to make informed decisions. Instead, they regurgitate focus-grouped propaganda, devoid of useful information, designed to induce compliance. I’m sure it’s easier than researching medical science, but don’t think we haven’t noticed. Journalists rarely cover science well, however, the utter failure of local media to even ask meaningful questions of our new overlords in the Public Health Department, demonstrates their complicity in this coup.

I include our local so-called “community” radio station among those traitors. I stopped volunteering at KMUD before the pandemic began, but recently, I got sucked back into KMUD’s orbit just long enough to see that things have gone from bad to much, much, worse. First, two people who live in SoHum told me that they were “banned” from KMUD for talking about Covid. They asked me to write letters on their behalf.

Second, as a result of those letters, I got invited to one of KMUD’s Program Selection and Review Committee meetings, which shocked me. At that meeting I learned that KMUD censors programmers and guests who questions vaccine safety, lockdown measures, or Covid treatment options. Many people in the community, including many volunteers, find this very disturbing.

Third, KMUD host Nikki Norris asked me to cover a few episodes of her show, my old show, Monday Morning Magazine. When I talked to staff at KMUD about this, they made it clear that I would not be allowed on the air unless my topics and guests were pre-approved by staff. I have never before been asked to submit a list of guests to staff for approval. That’s censorship. There is no other word for it. My topics and guests were disapproved so I did not host the shows.

Fourth, a group of local vax-free, mask-free folks gathered on the Garberville town square for a party with music and dancing., to give credit where credit is due, sent a reporter, Lisa Music, who covered the event fairly, including a local couple’s story about how they beat Covid with Ivermectin, Vitamin C and zinc. That’s what local news reporters are supposed to do, and it seems like Kym Kemp’s operation is the only local news outlet that still remembers how. I applaud them for that. On the other hand, Lauren Schmidt of KMUD News attended the event, and recorded plenty of audio for a story, but it never materialized on KMUD’s Local News.

Finally, I sent this editorial to KMUD in response to a long, chilling, unattributed monologue delivered at the end of the local news (probably in place of the aforementioned story). The unattributed soliloquy it turns out, was extracted from the “Surgeon General’s Advisory on Building a Healthy Information Environment.” This ghastly piece of propaganda contains plenty of disinformation itself, but Stella Gherkin read it at the end of the local news without attributing it to anyone. I found it shocking. In response, I submitted this editorial to the station’s community editorial feature, called “All Sides Now.”

“Hello, This is John Hardin for ‘All Sides Now.’

KMUD’s Wednesday Dec 8 Local News sounded like something you might hear in North Korea. Stella Gherkin’s long, unattributed, vaguely threatening monologue at the end of the broadcast chilled me to the bone. Whatever that was, it was not news, and therefore had no place in our local newscast.

I want to remind everyone that free speech, as guaranteed under the First Amendment to the Constitution, has always produced the healthiest information environment, and that is especially true in the fields of science and medicine. The free flow of information, shielded from government censorship by the First Amendment, made the United states a leader in science, technology, and medicine.

Moreover, KMUD is built on, by, and for this community’s commitment to free speech and the idea that we make better decisions when we hear all sides of the story. KMUD exists to insure that we as members of this community have a voice in the debates that drive policy in this community and beyond.

When we stand accused of a crime in this country, we are judged by a jury of our peers, not a panel of experts, the WHO, or Pope Fauci, but by a jury of our peers. that’s because this country is built on the understanding that “We The People” have the capacity, and the responsibility to parse the evidence and determine the facts for ourselves, in every case, regardless of the complexity of the issue or the magnitude of the consequences, and the Covid Pandemic is no exception.

History teaches that regimes censor information, not to protect citizens from misleading falsehoods, but to cover-up their own crimes against humanity. I suspect that is what is happening now, and KMUD should have no part in it.”

KMUD refused to air this editorial. When I uploaded the audio of this “All Sides Now” to Spotify, and shared it on Facebook, someone on KMUD staff called it “libel.”

I have learned, in my many years of volunteering at KMUD, that the most reliable thing about KMUD is “The Unbelievables.” “The Unbelievables” are a phenomena that happens, on-air or off, when someone connected to KMUD says or does something so wrong, so totally inappropriate, completely off-base, and breathtakingly insensitive, that you just can’t believe it really happened. In this case, the idea that KMUD, a listener-supported community radio station, refused to air an editorial in support of free speech, and threatened legal action in response to it being shared elsewhere, is the kind of “Unbelievable” that is not just embarrassing, stupid and sad, but that deeply undermines the credibility and the integrity of our community radio station. I wish it weren’t true, and that someone besides me would say it, but that’s the truth, and you deserve to know.