
Electric Earth Music

My most cherished holiday tradition involves listening to music while tripping on the longest night of the year. It doesn’t always happen, because psychedelics don’t always come my way, and I’ve missed the last couple of years, but this year I was gifted some psylocibin infused chocolates (Thank-you Ian and Ron). However, because of my busy social schedule I couldn’t make time for a full-blown psychedelic trip on the Solstice.

Getting together with friends has become a revolutionary act in the wake of the pandemic, so I make it a priority, and do it as much as possible, which meant putting off this year’s trip until the night of Epiphany, Jan 6, which this year, coincided with the full moon. It seemed like an auspicious night for a trip, however, a “bomb cyclone” leading a squadron of “atmospheric rivers” brought the most severe storm in at last five years. We…

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The Lockdown Turned Liberals into Nazis

Unpopular, that’s what I’ll be!

I don’t know why the pandemic lockdown turned so many of my liberal friends into Nazis, but it did. Of course, they don’t see themselves as Nazis, they just think they are doing their part to “flatten the curve” or whatever, and wish they could do more. They’re not interested in discussing the wisdom of any of the democracy-crushing measures instituted in the name of “Public Health.” If you disagree with them, it’s only because you are a stupid, selfish, racist, Trump-worshiping, flat-earther.

That’s why you cannot be trusted to make responsible decisions for yourself, and should be coerced through media censorship, economic sanctions, social pressure, and physical violence, if necessary, to comply with any and all Public Health diktats, regardless of how draconian, whether they work or not, and no matter how much harm they cause. My liberal friends tell me to shut-up, sign the papers, take the shots, and “trust the experts,” because unless we all do it, it won’t work for any of us. The absurdity of that position is completely lost on them, and they don’t realize that attitude makes them Nazis.

They don’t realize that all of a sudden they look dumber than Trump, more bigoted than the Proud Boys, and scarier than the KKK. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, and experienced it first hand, I would not have believed that my liberal friends would fall for this flood of bioengineered bullshit, but they swallowed every last bit of it and they’re begging for more.

So, now I’m surrounded by liberal Jewish, feminist, LGBTQ, and SNAG Nazis, and they’re all goose-stepping right into the gas-chambers. They don’t know they’ve signed-up for a lethal injection lottery in the name of “Public Health,” but that’s exactly what they did. They don’t know that they are capitulating to global Nazism and selling their children into slavery, without a fight, but they are.

I think the lockdown did something to them. All of that time spent in mediated, propaganda-saturated, virtual environments, physically separated from other humans, must have affected their thinking. Perhaps, because of the isolation, they failed to catch the cynical smirks, outbursts of incredulity, and disbelieving eye-rolls of their peers that would have tipped them off that no part of this pandemic story was believable.

Instead, they meekly accepted the cowardly anonymity of mask and screen. They abandoned the real world for a “safe” online “experience,” and now they’re cooperating with a global Nazi coup because they are afraid of a respiratory virus. Whether the lockdown did something to them, or merely revealed something about them, it really hurts to watch it happen to my friends.

As disappointed as I am in them, and I’m very disappointed, I still consider them friends. More importantly, I still consider them people. I still recognize them as my community. I know that my fate is intimately wrapped-up with theirs, and that we need each other to survive this. That is why I speak-out about it, and that’s why I’m writing to you. I don’t care if you’re offended. I want you to know that it’s not OK to remain silent. It’s not OK to censor, and it’s not OK to comply with any more “Public Health” orders that muzzle our voices or limit our right to assemble.

Cooperating with Nazis makes you a Nazi. Cooperating with Nazis makes you an accessory to their crimes against humanity, and cooperating with Nazis will get you killed. It’s time to wake-up, friends, because that’s not how I want to remember you.