On The Money: Carry Some Cash For Christ’s Sake

On The Money

Financial Advice for the Working Class

Carry Some Cash for Christ’s Sake

Ok, So I’m at Redway Liquor and Deli to get a slice of pizza, and this guy who’s behind me in line, fakes like he’s looking at the videos, then cuts in front of me in line. Its an old guy too. I expect that kind of behavior from some of the young punks around here, but this guy looked at least 70 with one foot in the grave. I thought that slice of pizza might just kill him, so I didn’t say anything. But, when he got to the register, he paid for one slice of pizza with a credit card! Here in SoHum of all places! So, while I wait for this clown to swipe his card (three times), stand there like an idiot until the approval code arrives, and then watch him sign that stupid receipt for $2.50, I get a real good look at the guy. Now, every night before I go to bed, I pray to God that he choked to death on that slice of pizza.

Do you want that kind of energy directed at you? If not, THEN CARRY SOME GODDAMNED CASH FOR CHRIST”S SAKE!!!

Some people think that its safer to carry credit or debit cards than cash. Horse Hockey! If someone steals your money, you’ve lost some money. If someone steals your credit card, they can steal money you haven’t even earned yet. They can steal you. You won’t even know what kind of trouble they’ve gotten you into, until its too late.

Need more good reasons to carry cash:

  1. No PIN # to remember

  2. No ugly plastic card

  3. No long number to remember

  4. No expiration date

  5. No annual fee

  6. No transaction charges

  7. No late fees

  8. No hidden fees

  9. No interest rate

  10. No interest

  11. No credit limit

  12. No monthly bill

  13. No receipts to sign

  14. No inscrutable contract written in impossibly small print

  15. Just one sentence: Cash is legal tender for all debts public and private

When you see those “We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover” stickers on a merchants door, that’s their way of telling you that they charge 5% more for everything. I say, pay cash and demand a discount, or take your business elsewhere.

Why do we allow banks to charge us money to use our own money? Banks used to pay interest to keep your money there. Now, not only do they expect us to bail them out when they lose our money, they charge us more money every year, just to use our own money. Why put up with it?

I say “cut up those credit cards, and cut up the bills too.” And, if you want to avoid the undying hatred of yours truly, carry some fucking cash for Christ’s sake! There’s a view of consumer credit that’s On The Money.

Author: john hardin

Artist bio: The writer in me says: “Don’t tell them who you are, show them what you do.” The artist in me says: “It must be strong, simple, bold, yet rich with detail, but above all, original.” The filmmaker in me says: “We need to contextualize your work by weaving the roots of the Psychedelic Revolution, the Environmental Movement, Gaia Theory, Future Primitivism and musical influences from Iannis Xenakis to Bart Hopkin into a narrative that portrays an iconoclast's struggle for cultural relevance from the forested hinterlands of rural Northern California within the greater post-industrial, post-post-modern, post-reality mind-fuck of the 21st Century.” The critic in me says: “Will that guy ever shut up?” The comedian in me says: “It has to make me laugh at least once.” The engineer in me says: “Don’t forget to tell them that you do it all off-grid, with solar power, using recycled materials.” And the improvisational musician in me says: “Cut! Great job everybody!”

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