Beyond Words

Solstice Greetings,

At the conclusion of another cataclysmic year I’m very grateful to share this beam of sunshine:

This music has inspired me and kept me sane through these trying times. I don’t know where this music comes from, why it has called me to it, or why it feels so good, but it does. It just does. Beyond Words is hot, throbbing, organic EDM like you’ve never heard before, but it is also a collection of didgeridoo solos rich with healing infra-sound vibrations, recorded live with no accompaniment or overdubs. You have to hear it for yourself.

Right now, on the darkest night of this dark year, there has never been a better time to shake off the fear, shake off the anxiety and shake off the trauma of this whole crazy mind-fuck and shake your booty to these energizing ecstatic dance rhythms. Just crank it up and let it move you. I dare you.

I feel this music has more power than anything I can say with words, and everyone seems to understand it at some level. All I care about right now is sharing this music with as many people as possible. If you like this album, You have really got to hear me play live. Live music matters. We need to come together again to make music and dance. It is absolutely critical to the functioning of culture. There is so much more that happens when we come together to make music and dance than we can ever describe in words, and it is essential that we revive that vital organ immediately.

Wherever you are, I want to play for you. Let’s make the arrangements. Covid restrictions be damned, this show is going on the road in 2022! Fuck the variants! The curve is as flat as its going to get. It’s time to dance!

Call or text me: 707-572-8837


Have a wonderful solstice! See you in 2022!

Author: john hardin

Artist bio: The writer in me says: “Don’t tell them who you are, show them what you do.” The artist in me says: “It must be strong, simple, bold, yet rich with detail, but above all, original.” The filmmaker in me says: “We need to contextualize your work by weaving the roots of the Psychedelic Revolution, the Environmental Movement, Gaia Theory, Future Primitivism and musical influences from Iannis Xenakis to Bart Hopkin into a narrative that portrays an iconoclast's struggle for cultural relevance from the forested hinterlands of rural Northern California within the greater post-industrial, post-post-modern, post-reality mind-fuck of the 21st Century.” The critic in me says: “Will that guy ever shut up?” The comedian in me says: “It has to make me laugh at least once.” The engineer in me says: “Don’t forget to tell them that you do it all off-grid, with solar power, using recycled materials.” And the improvisational musician in me says: “Cut! Great job everybody!”

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