Vax Nazis Suck, but Pink Floyd Rocks

Really, I don’t like to be the guy with the obtuse opinion, and I’ve got better things to do than spend my time explaining the obvious to a hostile audience in deep denial, but push has come to shove, and the vax nazis have gone on the offensive. Vaccine mandates and vaccine passports must be stopped. I cannot believe how many Democrats and liberals have fallen for the bullshit rhetoric about this pandemic and these experimental new drugs, and are willing to trade their own, and their neighbors, rights as citizens, and as sovereign human beings, for the life of livestock and lab rats. When I think of how many Americans died to secure and protect those rights through the years, just to watch you throw them away, for the false promise of protection from a disease that kills less than 1% of the people who catch it, I can’t just sit back and watch it happen. I have to say something.

When I see the media working diligently to turn neighbor against neighbor, as they tell us lies like: “This new wave of infection is driven by the unvaccinated.” and “the vaccine-hesitant are causing the virus to mutate” even though they have no science to back it up, and all common sense contradicts them, reminds me of the War on Drugs. Drug war lies ranged from: “marijuana makes colored men violent and rape white women.” and “marijuana makes Mexicans lazy and stupid.” to “crack cocaine is 100 times more addictive than powdered cocaine” and “the new marijuana is 40 times more dangerous than the old marijuana.”

This vaccine obsession should remind you of the War on Drugs too. The government lies. Don’t ever forget that, and when the government lies big like this, and the media falls in line, lock step, like they are now, you can bet it is a war, and you can bet that this war is not about what they tell you it is about. In all my life, I have never seen the government mobilize this kind of media dominance for anything except war (and those wars have never been about what they said they were about): The War on Drugs (protect Americas youth), the first Persian Gulf Way (liberating Kuwait from a bloodthirsty Saddam),9/11 and the War on Terror (Find Osama bin Laden), and the Invasion of Iraq (Saddam’s WMDs).

The War on Drugs. Do you remember that bullshit? Mandatory minimum sentences, drug testing in the workplace, zero tolerance, paraquat, CAMP, DARE, gang warfare, prison overcrowding, crack babies, millions dead, tens of millions arrested, millions more lives ruined, and three generations of activists had to devote their lives to walking this insanity back, and we are not even close yet. I want to remind you of the War on Drugs so that you remember just how out-of-hand things can get, if you let yourself believe that the government has your best interest at heart when it pulls shit like this.

This vaccine hysteria has gotten way out of hand. If you are one of those people who is beginning to turn on your jab-resistant peers, you really need to check yourself. I know that you hear the same story from every single trusted media outlet you turn to, and the story they tell is very simple: “Everyone must get vaccinated or we’ll never be able to take our masks off, or go to a concert or have a party again.” You can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t take a couple of jabs in the arm to make everything all better again, especially since everyone says the vaccines are “safe and effective.”

I’m sorry folks, but when was the last time you heard a drug commercial in the media that didn’t have a long list of side-effects read at auctioneer speed at the end of it. What makes you think these “vaccines” are any different? The CDC’s VAERS program reports over 10,000 deaths following the vaccine, and hundreds of thousands of severe reactions, some with long-term, disabling conditions like paralysis. I would feel awful if that happened to someone I had encouraged to take the jab over their own reservations, and so would you. The media, on the other hand, doesn’t mind lying to you at all, and doesn’t care whether you live or die. They are just weapons in a war, and this is another war against us all, just like the War on Drugs, only in reverse.

The CDC recorded more vaccine related deaths in the first five months of 2021 than in the previous 20 years combined.

In the War on Drugs, they lied to us about drugs to get us to stop taking them; today they’re lying to us about drugs to get us to take them, and if that doesn’t work they’ll make it hard to get a job, go to school, get a license, travel, and they will do their level best to stigmatize you and turn your friends and family against you. Since the truth is not on their side, these coercive measures are the only way to get people to comply, but it will breed resentments. These lies will break-up families, destroy friendships, and tear at the fabric of our society, and those are intentional objectives in this kind of war.

It’s hard to imagine now, but there was a time, not that long ago, when most Americans had no experience with cannabis, let alone LSD. Back then, people believed whatever bullshit the government told them about these drugs because neither they, nor anyone they knew, had ever seen, let alone tried them. After this indoctrination, however, they sure didn’t want their kids getting involved in anything so sordid as illegal drugs, and they were on the lookout for signs of drug use in their neighborhood.

When they finally did catch their own kids with cannabis, they did just what the government told them to do. They called the cops, on their own kids. Later, in the DARE program, they got kids to rat on their parents and friends, for smoking weed, and then the government destroyed their lives. Millions of lives were lost or destroyed because gullible Americans believed the bullshit they saw on TV. They turned on people in their own community. They turned on their friends, and they turned on family, because they believed what they saw on TV.

This lead to bitter resentments, estrangement, and rebellion. Families suffered, communities foundered, and a counter-culture emerged that rejected this intolerant mainstream ideology, and proudly celebrated cannabis and psychedelics. Within that counter-culture that celebrated cannabis and psychedelics, there emerged a new kind of music that defied all the accepted norms of pop music. This music just didn’t make sense unless you were high on drugs, Hendrix’s feedback, the Dead’s Space, and Zappa’s Freak Out immediately come to mind. On the other side of the world, Syd Barrett’s notorious consumption habits and subsequent collapse, as well as his Zippo-lighter slide-guitar on Astronomy Domini forever marked Pink Floyd as counter-cultural celebrants of psychedelics.

Pink Floyd has several “songs” that really don’t make much sense unless you are really high, and I love them for that. I feel that this kind of music connects to something primal within us. There are no lyrics that you can write that can liberate us from this culture, but there’s a feeling in this music that is deeper than words, and when you tap into that feeling, it tells a whole other story. Roger Waters once described this song as “a poignant appraisal of the contemporary social situation” I’d say that’s more true now than ever. Here’s my cover of the Pink Floyd song “One of These Days” played on electric bass, tin can violin, Omnichord and voice. I hope you like it!

Author: john hardin

Artist bio: The writer in me says: “Don’t tell them who you are, show them what you do.” The artist in me says: “It must be strong, simple, bold, yet rich with detail, but above all, original.” The filmmaker in me says: “We need to contextualize your work by weaving the roots of the Psychedelic Revolution, the Environmental Movement, Gaia Theory, Future Primitivism and musical influences from Iannis Xenakis to Bart Hopkin into a narrative that portrays an iconoclast's struggle for cultural relevance from the forested hinterlands of rural Northern California within the greater post-industrial, post-post-modern, post-reality mind-fuck of the 21st Century.” The critic in me says: “Will that guy ever shut up?” The comedian in me says: “It has to make me laugh at least once.” The engineer in me says: “Don’t forget to tell them that you do it all off-grid, with solar power, using recycled materials.” And the improvisational musician in me says: “Cut! Great job everybody!”

17 thoughts on “Vax Nazis Suck, but Pink Floyd Rocks”

  1. It’s pretty amazing that a link on the Lost Coast Outpost home page brought me here. They are the worst!
    While i understand that a privately-owned news blog is not the same as government, so i can’t cry “censorship!”, still, it’s appalling that what’s probably the most widely-read news source in Humboldt County deletes any comment questioning or enriching the discussion about this “pandemic” phenomenon. I quit commenting on there entirely because the “discussion” section is a joke, composed of a bunch of clueless self-righteousness-one-uppers in a circle jerk.
    So thank you for this, John! I will check out your Floyd version later, when i get high. (It was a clue that i needed to listen to them again when some years back, i read somewhere that essentially, Pink Floyd were conservative– read, they still believed in questioning big gov’t, big industry, big media, big medicine… lol! The old rebels become, to the new conformists, the old stodgy, selfish conservatives! Count me in.)

  2. It is a false equivalence to compare vaccines with the war on drugs. Additionally, much of what you are saying is false. This latest surge IS because of unvaccinated people and it IS based on science. Also, the VAERS system IS NOT suitable for use regarding actual vaccine injury or death, as the CDC points out. The VAERS system is an open, self-reporting system which can be manipulated by ANYONE. It is only good for identifying potential issues with a vaccine. Finally, vaccine deaths rates rise with the increase in infections. Hospitals only have so many beds, especially in the ICUs. Additionally, the longer this goes on and the more people who are infected, the more likely it is that more deadly and more virulent variants will arise; Vaccine resistant variants become more likely. The unvaxxed threaten everyone so personal freedom is not the issue. Your freedoms end where mine begin.

      1. Give me a break. The only current risk of fascism in the US is from those on the Trump right. Wearing a mask or providing proof of vaccination is not fascism. Every kid in the US has been required to have proof of vaccination for decades and fascism hasn’t resulted. Again, there are many more real risks of fascism in the US and fearmongering regarding reasonable pandemic requirements only lessens the vigilance necessary to contain it.

      2. Obviously you have not been paying attention. There are no more real threats to our freedom than this pandemic and the current regime. Kids are not required to get vaccinated in the US. Some schools require it, but not all, and not every parent sends their kids to school. Right now the march towards fascism is being lead by the Democrats and Progressives, and they’ve been doing all of the fearmongering. Again your gullibility amazes me.

      3. That is such nonsense. So what should we do in a pandemic? How exactly have tour rights been hurt by the pandemic? You had to wear a mask? Give me a break… It is hyperbole like your’s which is actually a greater risk because while your attention is diverted the right is actually trying to steal elections and really trample on rights such as the right to protest.

      4. Do you even understand why rights matter? Masks dehumanize us, and make face to face democracy impossible. Give me a break. Without freedom, life is not worth living. That is no hyperbole. You are getting chumped into giving up your rights as a citizen and into taking a dangerous experimental drug that may kill you, and you think that no one should be free to choose any other option. That makes you a Vax Nazi in my book.

      5. and the antisemitic nazi comparison. You are really hitting all of the notes. Your freedom ends where mine begins which means your virus-laden sputum and breath are both risks to my freedom. Masks are not damaging democracy whatsoever.

    1. Actually a vaccine that doesn’t stop a virus helps it mutate faster.. it’s science. Not left wing. Not right wingm just proven as far as proveable goes these days.. so actually, the vaxxed are the ones mutating .

      1. that is wrong. You are assuming vaccines are like antibiotics and bacteria. There is much more natural mutation because of trillions of replications of viruses. Viruses mutate much more readily than bacteria.

      2. Again. Wrong. I have actually written scientific papers on virus transmission. Did you get your information from youtube?

      3. And the vaccine does stop the virus that is why people don’t get sick or as sick because the virus load is reduced. BTW, it is no longer “experimental.”

      4. it still doesn’t work. If you still get sick, still spread the disease, and need a booster shot in only 6mo, I’d call that a total failure, especially when you consider that at least 10,000 healthy young Americans have been killed by the vaccine. It is still experimental, and I am still in the control group.

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